Monday, September 7, 2020

The Trip that was: September 7, 2013/2014


The 50th Anniversary Party of Dutchboy's parents! Mum thought it was a fun party idea for everyone to paint a portrait of their spouse.  I thought it was a recipe for insults and bickering.  Turns out, Mum and I were BOTH right! It was fun.  Dutchboy worked hard on his painting of me.  And I turned out looking like a demon linebacker, while he turned out looking like an angel with lots of hair and a love of lipstick. For the record, he claims it is NOT hair on my chest, but my necklace.  Dutchboy has yet to hear the end of this monstrosity. 

Haarlem! A favorite city, and one of my favorite museums that you'll see often in the days ahead, Frans Hals Museum.   Haarlem is also home the the Teylers Museum, a science-based museum that is housed in a beautiful building. 

We'll start with the Grote Kerk, the great chuch, St. Bavokerk.  The church is probably best know for it's magnificent pipe organ, which spurred a trip by G.F. Handel in 1749 just to play it.  Also Mozart played here in 1766, when he was just ten years old. 

And another big giant head photo. 

Pretty street along the way to Frans Hals Museum.

Walking back to Haarlem Central Station at sunset. <3 


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