Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Apparition complete—Amstelveen.

So.  (Dutch people tend to start conversations with “so” when they don’t know how to begin. It’s rather endearing).  I’ve been in the Netherlands several days now and I have not had a minute to post. Such is travel, especially when seeing family and having limited internet access. But I have it now, so let’s catch up, shall we?? Let me start at the beginning:  I’m born.  Okay too far back for you? Then let me start at the beginning of where I left off. Boarding a plane and being lost in space and time at an airport. Absolutely perfect flights.  Left on time, arrived in time. Edible food, free beer and wine and Dutchboy and I both slept on the plane.  Bags arrived in time and perfect, despite a baggage handlers strike at Schiphol.  Oh, I did manage a lovely view of what may be Manchester, England, at night.  At least that’s where the map said we were!

After landing, unpacking, and visiting with Pa and Ma, the next most important thing is procuring bitterballen.  Those tasty, round spheres of meat and gravy, coated in crumbs and deep-fried, served with a lovely Dutch beer. Success! Beer was a lovely summery beer with a bit of a hoppy bite and lots of tropical fruit bites.  Very refreshing!
Then, it was back home and fixing dinner for Mum before crashing because jet lag hit hard.

A good nights sleep and we were right as rain, ready to tackle the Rijksmuseum. But first— breakfast!  European yogurt is much better than the bland American stuff-  creamy and tart. Beautiful! Plus, the markets had fresh (and cheap!!! That’s important!!!) figs galore.  My favorite things in one bowl.

More on the Rijksmuseum and my Friday in Amsterdam in the next post.

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