Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Trip that was: September 30, 2010/2012/2013/2015/2016/2018/2019


Nicknamed "Dutch Venice", this is Giethoorn!  A small village where people use canals to get around the village.  It's bucolic, romantic picture of the Netherlands.  We took a guided tour. Once again, I'm on the water.  They kept telling me it wasn't deep, not to worry. 

Dutchboy sat up front with his friend and the tour guide. I sat in the back, taking pictures and not panicking. 

Not panicking. Until we entered the lake. 
This is when Dutchboy decided to check on me.  And they all laughed at my nervousness. The guide told me I could stand up in the water, and it wouldn't come to my shoulders.  Apparently it's shallow where they mined peat. I don't know.  I reminded them you can drown in a couple of  inches of water. 

This was our assault on the Slufter in Texel.  I mentioned it earlier, but in case you didn't clicky the linky and check it out, slufter is a salt water marshy area between two sand dikes.  This marshy plain is open to the North Sea and will flood during high tides, creating a unique saltwater environment. I just know we walked ALOT there. It was more like marching. But the views of the North Sea at the end were more than worth it!

Notre Dame Cathedral, on a gray, rainy morning.  I rather regret not touring it, but the line was ridiculously long and we hadn't even purchased tickets. It seemed like too much time to take when I had such a limited time in Paris. You assume it will be there to see on your next trip, but then it burns. OR there's a pandemic and you can't travel. Then you're left with regret. 

The love lock bridge on Ile de la Cite.

The Seine, around the Ile de la Cite.

The Louvre. Tip! Go to the Louvre on the evening they're open late.  We went then and had parts of the museum to ourselves.  And you could actually see the Mona Lisa, if you're interested. Though to me, that is the LEAST interesting thing in that room. The Virgin and Child with St. Anne is unbelievable, but no one was paying attention to it! 
I stood in the room with this  Botticelli fresco, and had it all to myself for awhile.  It seeps into you, standing there before it. You become part of it. It is a living, breathing thing. So very moving.  Dutchboy doesn't understand why it makes me teary-eyed, but great art like this always does. When you see a brushstroke, the paint soaking in the canvas, or this case plaster,  you're connected to the past emotion, the tension of creation. It is a feeling of awe that I cannot explain. 

We entered through the Carrousel de Louvre entrance, so we exited out through the Pyramid entrance. Most Parisians find I.M. Pei's creation to be an abomination.  I don't hate it.  No matter what you think, it's still better than the Stedelijk bathtub nightmare.

Once again, I'm on a boat. This time on the Seine, where we could relive the last few days and say our farewells to Paris. 


A special day!! On this day, we celebrated our friend's 25 anniversary at his job with a special supper, and I got to meet an old friend of my Dutchboy!!! After only talking to her online I finally met Christine in person and she was LOVELY!! I will always willingly be the Thelma to her Louise! We were at Egmond aan Zee again, I'm fairly certain. Or was it Bergen?? All the beaches start to look the same after awhile. 

We had a fantastic meal at De Bokkesprong. One of Dutchboy's oldest friends, Lucien of Alkmaar fame! and who I don't have a picture with on this particular trip,  treated us to a great evening, with fantastic food and wine, and his always great company! 

Our last day in Vienna.  I believe the first photo is the Vienna Opera House, but I can't guarantee it.  I have to admit, I have NO idea what any of the buildings are, or what we did.  I remember the cake though.   I never forget a cake. 

That may be the Vienna Opera House behind me. Maybe. 

The thing about trips, you're always saying good-bye. Good-bye, Vienna. I hope we meet again someday. 

Moco Museum, on Museumplein. They primarily exhibit Banksy.  But it's in an old house that has beautiful windows. 

He looks more guilty than the bear. 
Walking Museumplein to the Rijksmuseum!

And a couple of random photos from inside the Rijksmuseum.

Dinner at Stoop & Stoop


A great day spent with friends in Wijdewormer, Netherlands.  WE took an Italian cooking class at KookStudio Mario!  You start off the evening with a glass of Prosecco! And then the cooking begins. The class worked together to produce a five-course meal. 

Dutchboy tried very hard.  But the chef kept coming around asking me to take over for him when I finished what I was doing. 

Look at that mischievous elf behind me. Drinking the wine while I was working. Hmph. 

Finally! Something the Dutchboy was good at! Providing the muscle to turn the pasta machine!


Back to Bremen!  This was our walk every morning from the hotel into the city center.

Breakfast at a Konditorei Cafe Knigge, in Bremen.  So many choices!! 

We finally found the Musicians!! Thought the dog and the cat look VERY odd. 

Cellar beer. It was dark and very nice. 

Fancy, Schmancy ice cream.  Also VERY good! 

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