Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Trip that was: September 16, 2008/2012/2013/2014/2016



Once again in my home away from home, Amsterdam. This time, the area near Centraal Station and Nieuwmarkt.  So we'll start on the Prins Hendrikkade, and the gable stone that is on the Schreierstoren, part of a medieval defense wall and where Henry Hudson set off on his journey to North America. It was placed in commemoration of the first voyage of the Dutch East India Company in 1595.

Oude Kerk Tower.

The back of Sint Nicolaaskerk

The Waag.   The oldest, non-religious building in Amsterdam. Originally a city gate, and part of the city wall. 

Okay, after all those disclaimers of not visiting libraries, I find that I evidently DO visit them often.  But this time, I recommend that EVERYONE who visits Amsterdam visit the Amsterdam Central Library! It's a lovely space, but mainly because the views from the rooftop cafe give you a glorious overview of the harbor and the city! And it's FREE to visit. But do yourself a favor and grab a coffee and a snack and stay awhile. The views deserve it. 

Views from the top


This is the day we said goodbye to Vernazza.  I was so sad to leave, even though we were moving on to Milan, Italy for the day and then flying to the Netherlands for the rest of our trip ahead.  But I wasn't sorry to say goodbye to this staircase that led to our room. SO STEEP.  Especially after a couple of glasses of  Vin Santo!

Good-bye Cinque Terre....

Hello, MILAN! Want to shop? This is the place to do it! Fendi, Ferrari, All the amazing custom tailors, glove makers, cobblers...a fashionistas dream.  And such a beautiful setting! Welcome to Italy's oldest shopping mall, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

And now, the Duomo


Italy at it's finest...well to some people.  And to be honest, the storefront was quite impressive! 


A trip to Avifauna!  What is Avifauna?? A beautiful bird park/sanctuary.  I hesitate to call it an animal park, because the animals seem to be in control more than the humans! They're all sort of wandering around, except for the dangerous ones, of course! 


They have condors.  Beautiful, majestic, and HUGE!! This isn't the BEST photo, but it was flying over my head at the time, and I was in awe of the shadow.  


We've visited this place before, a few posts back, but for me it was long ago in 2005. Muiderslot in Muiden, the Netherlands.  This was my second visit.  And this visit was punctuated with ill-behaved school children who were doing mean things, throwing water bottles in the moat, breaking trees, and picking up canon balls and dropping them on the stones.  We took few pictures and left. 

We left so I could eat bitterballen and drink a beer! My favorite afternoon snack while on vacation! 

On the way back to Mum and Dad's we stopped in the town of Weesp.  It would be one of my choices for a place to live in the Netherlands.  Very beautiful, and beautifully located for lots of trips to Amsterdam!                                           


Just a few photos taken at one of my very favorite museums, Hermitage Amsterdam.  Doesn't this photo of Dutchboy just BEG for a caption? Or is that a light bulb finally going on in his head?!

In turn, Dutchboy finds me easier to take in little pieces...

If you walk out the back door of the museum, you'll find a second courtyard that contains these wonderful sculptures made from found objects and rebar.  I really love the rabbit! Though he looks slightly angry...

And isn't this pup adorable?! And lets admit it,  it's the side that all dog owners see the most!!

Tot Ziens! 

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